Developmental dyslexia is a specific reading disability that affects approximately 4-10% of the scholar population. It is defined as a reading difficulty despite adequate instruction and education, normal intellective capacities and social-cultural situation, not caused by reduced visual acuity or cognitive impairment. Over the last three decades many investigations found visuoperceptive abnormalities to be associated with this clinical condition, suggesting that even a visual impairment may play a causal role.
However, the nature of this deficiency is not clear, to date.
For some years I have been studying developmental dyslexia under a neuroophthalmological perspective. I have shown that defective spatial relationship perception with anomalous vertical anisotropy can be related to the reading disability. My findings, together to the growing body of literature on this topic, reinforces the idea that in dyslexic children not only a phonological deficiency but also an impairmen referred to higher order visual functions can be involved.
Developmental dyslexia has been the main subject of my master's dissertation and part of my Ph.D dissertation. In 2000 my study titled “Spatial relationship perception in the dyslexic child: a novel reading key?" was awarded as the best research at the XXV meeting of the Northwestern Ophthalmological Society (SONO). The next year my general studies on this topic have been rewarded again in the monograph titled “Neuro-ophthalmology".
After some international publications and the birth of TETRA, a tool aimed at detecting visuoperception abnormalities in dyslexics, in 2013 my book "Dyslexia: A Visual Approach" came to light, first in US, then in Italy.
Actually I am investigating how to rehabilitate dyslexic children with visuospatial alteretion by visual training.

The TETRA platform for dyslexia
The TETRA is a set of tests devised to provide an exhaustive and specific picture of the visuoperceptive situation in dyslexic patients, so as to help focusing the diagnosis and the rehabilitative pathway.
Introduction to the TETRA protocol
Introduzione al protocollo TETRA
For more information please visit the TETRA Dyslexia page.
Documents in this category
Spatial sensibility alteration in developmental dyslexia.
Spatial vision in developmental dyslexia (I).
Developmental dyslexia and spatial relationship perception.
Visual Training Helps Improve Reading in Dyslexic Children with Abnormal Crowding
Spatial relationship perception in the dyslexic child: a novel interpretative clue?
Colored Filters and Dyslexia. A Quick Gliding over Myth and (Possible) Reality
Vision and dyslexia
Improving Crowding in Dyslexic Children by Visual Training: Conflicting Results from a Single-masked Crossover Pilot Study.
Oculomotor and visuoperceptive alterations in dyslexics. Diagnosis and rehabilitative follow-up.
Dyslexia and spatial relationship perception: a novel hypothesis.
Spatial Vision in Developmental Dyslexia (II).
Ophthalmological and orthoptical evaluation in learning specific disabilities and visuospatial component-related intervention possibilities.
The “perceptive spreading”: a different approach to current theories on aetiology of dyslexia
Spatial relationship perception, ocular dominance and reading efficiency in developmental dyslexia.
Evaluation of compensatory strategies in developmental dyslexia: a confirmation for the ‘eidomorphometric theory?’
Oculomotor pattern alteration in patients suffering from developmental dyslexia
Rationale of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Supplementation in the Frame of the Magnocellular Theory of Dyslexia
Detecting Visuoperceptive Defects in Adolescent and Adult Disabled Readers with the TETRA Analyzer™. Pathological Sample and Comparison with Normal Readers
Detecting Visuoperceptive Defects in Adult Disabled Readers with the TETRA Analyzer™. Normative Data and Test-retest Reliability
Visual Dyslexia: Towards an Operational Definition from a Correlational Study
To Be Or Not To Be? What Makes a Child Dyslexic: An Overview on Risk Factors and Correlated Clinical Aspects
Can Self-Reported Ocular Motor and Perceptive Alterations Predict Reading Disability? A Pilot Study on the Analytic Anamnestic Protocol
Assessing the share of impaired visual function, fine motor coordination, and visuomotor integration in learning disabled children with the eta/mu model.