Seeing the invisible: theory and evidence of blindsight
I am dealing with neuro-ophthalmology, since the time of my PhD training, when I was consultant of the Neuro-Ophthalmology Service of the Ophthalmology Department of the University of Turin. Soon after I moved to the Opthalmology Department of the Gradenigo Hospital, I have become the holder of the out-patient clinic of neuro-ophthalmology. Initially conceived for patients affected by visual field damage due to cerebral impairment, soon its users' typology has been opened up to more general neuro-ophthalmological disorders and in particular to dyslexic children.
Within the clinical setting I have managed to focus my efforts within a more speculative framework, being interested in particular on the so-called cross-modal plasticity, on the perceptive aspects of migraine and on my favourite arguments, that is developmental dyslexia and perimetry.
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