The optokinetic response is effective to assess objective visual acuity in patients with cataract and age-related macular degeneration
La risposta optocinetica è efficace per la misura dell'acuità visiva obbiettiva in pazienti con cataratta e degenerazione maculare legata all'età
Carlo Aleci, Gabriele Cossu, Elena Belcastro, Lorenzo Canavese
International Ophthalmology, doi: 10.1007/s10792-018-1001-1004, 2018
Purpose To estimate objective visual acuity in subjects suffering from cataract and age-related macular degeneration via the optokinetic response evoked by a non-conventional induction method (Oktotype); in addition, to compare such objective outcome with the subjective acuity based on the ETDRS charts.
Methods Patients were presented with thirteen sequences of symbols arranged horizontally to form a serial pattern, and moving from left to right at a constant rate. In each sequence, the size of the stimuli was reduced progressively while the operator checked for the disappearance of the optokinetic response via a small video camera mounted on the test lens frame. The minimum angular size of the serial pattern able to evoke the optokinetic response (MAER) was referred to as the objective visual acuity of the subject.
Results Correlation between logMAER and logMAR was significant in the cataract and macular degeneration group (R_cat^2= 0.70, p< .0001; R_AMD^2= 0.63, p< .0007). In the two samples the correspondence between subjective and objective visual acuity (as, respectively, decimal units and arbitrary decimal units) was satisfactory (Concordance Correlation Coefficient: cataract group= 0.91, AMD group= 0.93). Test-retest reliability of the oktotype was good for the cataract group and moderate for the AMD sample (Kappa: 0.81 and 0.59, respectively).
Conclusion The oktotype seems a promising tool to objectively assess visual acuity in non-cooperating subjects with cataract or macular degeneration. Further research on other clinical conditions is needed to clarify the suitability of the procedure in the clinical setting.
Keywords: Age-Related Macular Degeneration; Cataract; Optokinetic Nystagmus; Oktotype; Test-Retest Reliability; Visual Acuity