Sparks of Visual Science

POST YOUR CONTRIBUTION ON SPARKS OF VISUAL SCIENCE is conceived as a first step toward the formation of an interactive scientific community interested in visual neuroscience.

Actually, a huge amount of work gets lost: in particular graduation theses, communications or posters presented at meetings, lectures and whatever that, after being produced, presented and discussed, often (too often) do not get to the international scientific community. In fact, lack of time, exorbitant fees and wearying editing processes hamper the will of publishing. In addition, papers can be rejected for reasons that have little to do with the scientific methods of evaluation.

If an author believes one of his/her papers deserves to be divulged, Sparks of Visual Science is available to take it in for free. It does not pretend to be a journal, but just a way to help you inform the scientific community with your contributions.

Sparks of Visual Science takes in papers covering the field of (neuro)ophthalmology, neuropsychology and visual neuroscience in its broadest sense.



Instructions To Authors


Contributions can have the form of:

- Research Articles

- Reviews


-Presentations at meetings (to be submitted as Personal Communication),

-Personal considerations (to be submitted as Letter to Sparks of Visual Science)


The way to submit your paper is simple: just past the content of your manuscript in the template downloadable in the site.  Moreover, if you are not familiar with English, you can write your paper in your own language (French, Spanish, Portuguese or Italian). Just an abstract in English should be provided.


-The title, abstract and keywords should be written in English. However, if you are Portuguese, French, Spanish or Italian mother tongue, additional translation of title, abstract and keywords are encouraged (even if not obligatory), so as to help spread your contribution even among those researchers who are not English proficient. 


-The text should be written in English, but it can be submitted in Portuguese, French, Spanish or Italian as well.


Editing the manuscript is simple. You have just to download the template and type or past (“past special→not formatted Unicode text”)  each section of the text on it.


A few points have to be recalled:

  • The text must not be published elsewhere. The authors must have the copyright of the paper they intend to post.

  • After the paper has been posted, there is no transfer of copyright (i.e. the author(s) retain the copyright).

  • It is own responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission to publish figures, graphs or whatever is copyrighted before submitting the paper.

  • is not responsible for the content of the papers, that reflects the results and the personal opinion of the author(s), but assure the work is methodologically sound and based upon a strict rational basis.

  • is not responsible for the use of the papers by third parties after they have been downloaded as pdf format.

    Once completed, please mail your paper to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. together with a brief cover letter.



The theory of Vision of Aristotle in "De Anima"
Editorial -Open Access Movement: Welcome!_Sparks Vis Sci 1:1, 2016
Rehabilitative Harmonization in Developmental Dyslexia. Abstracts file. Turin, October, 21st, 2016_Sparks Vis Sci 2: 1-6, 2016
Does Visual Dyslexia Exist?_Sparks Vis Sci 3:1-7, 2017
Her Majesty The Impact Factor_ Sparks Vis Sci, 4: 1-2, 2019
The Dynamics of the Visual Receptive Fields. A Snapshot_Sparks Vis Sci, 5: 1-3, 2019
Nativism, Empiricism, and Perceptual Learning_Sparks Vis Sci, 6:1-2, 2019
Psychophysics beyond Fechner. One step ahead toward understanding human perception_Sparks Vis Sci 10:1-5, 2020
What underlies the psychometric function? from neural to behavioral sensory performance_SparksVis Sci 9:1-3, 2020
Neurometric and psychophysical performance in motion perception_Sparks Vis Sci 7: 1-4, 2020

© 2024 CARLO ALECI MD, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.